MIAMI BEACH, Fla., April 13, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Technological breakthroughs often lead to medical advances, smarter phones and faster computers. A recent union of technologies is enabling a new field called Projection Mapping that is changing the $500 billion event industry more dramatically than any other advancement over the past 50 years.
Gone are the days of stagnant large screen projectors in a mundane ballroom or meeting hall.
Projection mapping seamlessly projects high-resolution imagery and video onto the walls and ceiling of virtually any event space either indoor or outdoor. Event planners can now instantaneously transport their attendees to any city in the world, on a journey to a rain forest, outer space, the desert, snow covered mountain tops or on a hot air balloon ride without ever leaving the room.
At the forefront of this new technology is The Temple House, an award-winning private venue located in Miami Beach, and launched by high tech entrepreneur Daniel Davidson. Davidson found his original success by applying advances in technology to reinvent 2 industries ripe for change – genetic disease testing and driver training.

While it would cost over $1 million to cover 12,000 square feet of wall space with beautiful roses for a wedding, projection mapping can provide the same, if not better effect for just a few thousand dollars. Those flowers can then instantaneously morph into fireworks or waterfalls.
While projection mapping technology has its early roots with Disney and General Electric, Davidson assembled his own team of software, optical and computer engineers and is taking the technology to the next level to simulate a virtual environment in a 360-degree environment without the use of any special glasses.
Davidson has now set his sights on reinventing the global meeting and event industry. “We are using our award winning private event space ( as a living laboratory to test and evolve new technologies for the event industry. Projection mapping will forever impact the way event planners formulate, design and deliver events providing the capacity to change any surface into dynamic and immersive experiences. Our success in Miami Beach paves the way for our expansion into other major metropolitan markets,” Davidson said.
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