This is the Transcript of the #WeddingMarket Chat on September 10, 2014 with BB Webb. The answers were made on Twitter so responses will appear different.

BB Webb Derek Wintermute Photography








Boundless energy, impeccable taste and unrelenting attention to detail are the hallmarks of the singular BB Webb. A respected and successful entrepreneur, BB is also a recognized author, popular speaker and media personality. Her theatrical background has given her an eye for what is creative and original, and it shows in each and every event she produces at her award winning event venue, Carl House, and with every talk or media piece she delivers.

With a host of awards, BB Webb has been selected as one of the ‘People to Know’ by Gwinnett Magazine 10 years in a row.  In 2014 he was nominated as one of Atlantan Magazine’s Women of Power and Influence. In 2012 she was selected as one of 10 Top Female Leaders in North Atlanta and was also honored as Barrow County’s “Business Woman of the Year.” In 2011, Business Leader Magazine selected her business as one of the top thirty small businesses in the Southeast and one of the top thirty in Atlanta.
Learn more about BB Webb at


Q1: How did you become an entrepreneur and involved with catering?


BB Webb: My father was an entrepreneur in love in with fine dining. As a former actress I sometimes worked in the hospitality biz. Creating Carl House with in house and offsite catering was another story. I came to own this old mansion and heard a voice.


Q1A:  What was that voice?

BB Webb: I was managing a bad rental situation in this 100 yr old mansion wondering what to do.

I heard a voice say, ‘this would be a good place for people to gather and have parties!’ Really! And that’s how @CarlHouse started with full culinary services for special events and parties? Basically, yes, after a lot of research and borrowing a lot of money to make it all happened the way I envisioned.


Q2: You’re speaking next week at Wedding MBA. Why do you need to be dialed into your competitive landscape? 


BB Webb: You can’t differentiate and sell your value brand if you don’t know how you’re different or like your competition!


Q3: You’ll be talking about shopping your competition. How Do We Become A Secret Shopper?


BB Webb:  Ha! Many ways. You can pretend to be a bride and make inquiries via email or the phone to learn about your competition. You can learn how fast they respond, their style and ask about their offerings, how they represent their brand. You can also investigate who your competition is through reviews social media website and from what other Wedding Pros say. My favorite: to align with my competition. I invite them to lunch and share my wins and challenges! They tend to reciprocate.


Q4: How do you find out what your ‘competitors’ and clients are saying about you?


BB Webb: We look for reviews on us and scan social media. Feedback form to clients during and after our process of working together. We also ask folks we work with how they feel we might improve. You won’t know unless you ask!


Q5: How do you leverage your relationships with competitors to grow your business?


BB Webb: A5: If they are a comparable brand to mine, I will refer a client whose date we might not have. When you give to others, they tend to reciprocate. I believe also in the concept of ‘pay it forward’. It’s key to phone or write an email to demonstrate your intent of referring business. Your prospect and competitor will become huge fans! Everyone wins. I like it that way!


Q6: How do you adopt what your competitors are doing better in your biz?


BB Webb:  You can simply integrate what you like to your product or service offerings. I’ve done this with scores of offerings. It might be new food offerings, a new process to improve systems within your company, a new product or profit center. It might also expand into a new point of culture that we haven’t yet explored. I’m for instance very preferential about the language we use as it holds great power.


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Q6A:  How do you mean?

BB Webb: We respond to a request from clients or teammates with ‘it’d be my pleasure’ or ‘I’d be delighted’ instead of no problem. All terminology we’ve adapted from Ritz Carlton and Chick fil a. We refer to our brides not as ‘you guys’ as is prevalent in the north where I am from, but as ‘ladies’ or ‘y’all!’


Q7: How do you differentiate and establish yourself as an expert in your industry?   


BB Webb: By being front in center with new ideas, writing blogs, articles, thought leadership. By branding yourself as part of your company, giving value through your various actions and activities.



Q7A:  I understand you just completed a book that is due out soon.


BB Webb: Yes, it’s called, ‘Build Your Business: BB Webb’s Notes from the Highwire!’


Q7B: What is it about? 


BB Webb: I share the many, many things I’ve learned being in the business of owning my venue over the last 11 years.  My ‘hard knocks’!


Q8: You said your Dad was an Entrepreneur as well. How did this influence you?  


BB Webb: Most of all, he shared, ‘Money may not be everything, but it does rank right up there with oxygen.’  He was right!


Q8A: How do you mean?

BB Webb: If you don’t have money streaming through your money and a healthy reserve, you put your company at risk.


Q9: How do we sell our differences and value? 


BB Webb: Know what is most important to your client. You can then emphasize what makes your business uniquely YOU, your value!


Q10: You can’t be all things to all people. How do you define your audience? 


BB Webb: In developing your biz you must be clear who is most interested in what you offer and the price point that you are targeting. When people try to compare us as though we are ‘apples to apples’, You must share your differences and what makes you unique.



Q11: As a company how do you figure out where your business profits most from?


BB Webb:  You must compare what it costs to produce what it is you do. And determine your hard (bricks and mortar) or soft costs, payroll, etc., and what you need to break even.  Once you determine that, you must find what the market will support for selling your product or service. You must determine what the competition sells comparable products or services for, make a goal for your profits against your determined costs.  Always plan for emergencies and a certain percentage as a financial reserve. I learned the importance of that when the economy shifted!  A ‘hard knocks’ lesson for sure!


Q12: As a company how do you define your company, brand and or Culture? 


BB Webb: Decide what drives your business, your core intent. At my company our focus is ‘extraordinary, memorable events!’ Your brand is not just your logo or the color of your website, but permeates in all you do. The way you and your team speak, dress, how you to everything that you do. I’ve shared often that, ‘the way you do anything is the way you do anything!’

Love Eubanks

Q13: How does the concept “Pay It Forward” work?


BB Webb: Paying it forward is about doing good deeds that serve others. It can be as simple as a greeting or gesture of kindness.


Q14: How do you use social media daily and weekly?


BB Webb: There is lots more we look forward to doing, but we share information, report on extraordinary events and share new ideas!


Q15: When will your book be available?  


BB Webb: I’m excited to say in early October in book or download form. Order info at


Q16: What would you like everyone to take away from this #weddingmarket chat?


BB Webb: That growing a business is something that takes patience, mindfulness, vision and passion. It is imperative that you surround yourself with the right people and that you develop sound and repeatable processes. Most of all, learn to breathe deeply through the challenges which are like weather, always changing. Challenges are the weather that waters the beautiful garden that is your business.


#WeddingMarket Questions From Twitter:

1. @TaylorWed I find getting brides to leave feedback or reviews is like pulling teeth! Anyone else?

BB Webb: We often add an incentive to gather their feedback, for taking time. A bottle of champagne and engraved glasses as a thank you.

2. @DebbieAuma How do you differentiate and establish yourself as an expert in your industry?

BB Webb: By sharing knowledge that works, giving value, your time giving to others, personal excellence.

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