This is the Transcript of the #WeddingMarket Chat on January 30th, 2013. #WeddingMarket Chat With Chris Evans. The answers were made on Twitter so responses will appear different.


President and CEO of Evans Sales Solutions, LLC
Chris is a speaker, author, trainer and trusted advisor to many organizations around the world. He has over twenty-nine years of experience in creating, expanding, and running organizations with an unsurpassed success record.  He has established three self-funded start-ups from inception to growth and expansion and is an expert in the wedding business industry.

Learn more about Chris Evans at

Join Our Wedding Market Chats For Wedding Professionals Every Wednesday at 10:00PST, 1:00EST, and 6:00GMT (UK time) with the #WeddingMarket Hashmark On Twitter. Learn something new to help your business grow every week. The chats are hosted by Wedding Market editor Julie Albaugh (@juliealbaugh).


Q1: How did you become involved with the wedding industry?

A1:  We owned a video company in the early 80’s – in 1983 we started producing Bridal Shows that lasted 20 yrs. Then I wrote How To Double Your Wedding Business and started the Bridal Business Boot camps

Q2: You were on ABC’s 20/20 Wedding Confidential  recently.  What was that like?

A2: Process great, Fly to NY, Limos, hotels. Meeting Elizabeth was nice. Not completely happy with outcome. 2 hour interview – only used 2 of the most negative questions. We had NO control of content.

Q3: What were your feelings about ABC’s Wedding Confidential?

A3: 3 segments of nonsense, 1 segment of bad news for wedding pros. They also picked some non-professionals to feature. They had a point of view when they formatted the story. They filled in around their premiss.

Q4: Why does most advertising not work?

A4: 99% of ads don’t work because they are bad ads. If wedding pros had better ads they would work better. Even most agencies don’t understand the wedding business so you have to have a real pro help you, or you better be good.


Q5: How do you cut your advertising expense by 50%?

A5: Only invest in advertising that works. We call it PULL advertising. Any advertising that lets you meet prospects is better than all the rest, you just need to do it right.


Q6: How do you create the perfect presentation for potential couples?

A6: Stop selling and focus on creating desire. We make it to hard. STOP selling – Create Desire That’s what I teach at the Bridal Business Boot Camps


Q7: @BridalBizHelp  How do you close the deal?

A7: Seems simple, but ask. You must set the presentation properly and then ask the bride to invest. NOW, not next week.


Q8: How to obtain more sales from Bridal Shows?

A8: Change the entire focus of show from handing out stuff to BOOKING VISITS, Bridal shows can be a waste of $ or they can be great. You get to decide by what you do at the show and about 90% of booths I see don’t work.


Q9: What are some other ways to capture more sales?

A9: I think most wedding pros don’t have a lack of leads, they have poor follow-up. Have better follow-up.

Q10: How do you achieve better results from the Web?

A10: Same as in advertising. Stop trying to highlight how good you are and focus on booking visits. All advertising should generate VISITS, not interest. Once you have the visit you can tell your story.

Q11: Do you have any upcoming projects or events?

A11: Tons, Weekly conference calls every Thursday, Webinars, Boot Camps all info at Also check out

Q12: What do you want the #WeddingMarket to take away from this chat?
A12: Until you have the visit, ONLY sell the visit – Once your face-to face, sell the product
Like my facebook page; EvansSalesSolutions and visit my web page


By the way, we need great stories about wedding pros. Post them to . The media always talks about bad stuff, we want to post the great stories of real wedding pros. My first book was How To Double Your Wedding Business in 12 Months –



#WeddingMarket Chat Question: What’s your response to critics when they bash your class, “No Bride Left Unsold Ruthless Sales Techniques?

A: If they bash the class, I can tell they never attended. If they had. They wouldn’t complain about it. I’m very proud to teach professional sales techniques. There’s nothing wrong with being professional.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: What kind of advertising do you find works best? I’m a big believer in word of mouth.

A: Word of mouth is GREAT but I think if you work a show properly you can generate new business fast. ALWAYS work towards the visit. So all your advertising has to be focused to booking visits. I like Bridal Shows… You have to work them correctly.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: Expectations – Are we overwhelming them with what they “MUST” have? Or is all fair in business?

A:  No, not fair at all. I think we need to find out what they WANT. Then make the dream come true. I believe we should focus on the brides dream and not worry so much about expectations.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: Do you have any tips for working a show?

A: TONS – Way to many for here but #1 ASK EVERY BRIDE for one-on-one visit.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: How do you generate interest on your FB page? 

A: Facebook is a completely different animal. We use GrowSocial and it works well. Email me and I will get you info.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question:  If you have enough of a client base/word of mouth, would it matter?

A: Not if your happy with the amount of business you have. You don’t even have to advertise unless you want to grow.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: What is the best way to follow up with potential brides without coming off pushy?

A: A timed follow-up campaign. It’s very easy to do but takes some explanation.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: How do you grow a business when you have to limit number of clients? i.e. 20 wedding videos a year

A: Raise your rates once your full. Yes, I meant your schedule is full.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: What is your advice for face to face meetings for biz owners who work from home?

A: Starbucks… Seriously, about 90% of all visits in Hawaii are done in a Starbucks.We started our video business out of our home. Eventually we did get an office but sell without Shame. Until you have the visit, ONLY sell the visit – Once your face-to face, sell the product.  I love Bridalprenuers! We’re in the people business. We meet a bride and make her dream come true. We want to spend time with our brides.  Today’s coffee houses are little business incubators running 24/7.


#WeddingMarket Chat Question: How do you better prepare potential clients for what your services really cost or does cost not matter? I get frustrated for those who want to meet, but don’t have a real understanding or budget for services. By creating their dream on an imaginary budget LOL or try to sell them a lesser service?

A: I think Cost is the LAST thing you worry about. Fill the dream, make the dream come true. Once you have her dream covered and she has DESIRE, the cost becomes less important. I understand. But I truly believe it’s about the dream. Can you start having a ‘class’ to teach all couples the who, what,why and where? No, I think you always entertain the dream first. Then if you have to adjust it’s understandable why. A bride understands she can’t have a $100,000 wedding with $25,000. They complain, but they know.

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